Yutaka Nakamura X Masahiro Ando: Superaction animation Talk

This is the first of a series of articles dedicated to Yutaka Nakamura, without a shadow of a doubt the best known contemporary Japanese action animator, but at the same time an often mystified and trivialized figure. The quotations present here are a translation made by myself of the report from the event Shin Bungeiza X Animestyle Selection vol. 123: Yutaka Nakamura’s superaction animation done by YNKL, who we thank as usual for his assiduous presence in this kind of events.

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Attack on Titan: omni-directional mobility animation Art Book -Arifumi Imai 1″ Release Commemorative Talk & Autograph Session

This is the transcription of a short but really interesting and light Arifumi Imai talk written by Ynkl, a well-known Japanese sakuga fan always present in these kind of events. I simply translated his article under the advice of our favorite Blou-sama. If you want to buy the artbook he promoted during the event, here […]

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The creators of Fate/Grand Order Babylonia III: Shota Umehara

Over the last few years the figure of the production assistant (制作進行, seisaku shinkou) has been widely popularized by Aoi Miyamori, the protagonist of the anime Shirobako. Finally, after years of ill-treatment, this vital figure for the completion of animated productions is recognized in its fundamental role: following the production of an episode from the […]

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