Yutaka Nakamura X Masahiro Ando: Superaction animation Talk

This is the first of a series of articles dedicated to Yutaka Nakamura, without a shadow of a doubt the best known contemporary Japanese action animator, but at the same time an often mystified and trivialized figure. The quotations present here are a translation made by myself of the report from the event Shin Bungeiza X Animestyle Selection vol. 123: Yutaka Nakamura’s superaction animation done by YNKL, who we thank as usual for his assiduous presence in this kind of events.

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Attack on Titan: omni-directional mobility animation Art Book -Arifumi Imai 1″ Release Commemorative Talk & Autograph Session

This is the transcription of a short but really interesting and light Arifumi Imai talk written by Ynkl, a well-known Japanese sakuga fan always present in these kind of events. I simply translated his article under the advice of our favorite Blou-sama. If you want to buy the artbook he promoted during the event, here […]

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